Assembly of small series prototypes, ranging from 5 to 20 pieces, is a crucial step in the development of a new product. However, it is vastly different from the manufacturing of 500 to 2000 pieces of PCBA. The production process for small series prototypes is often less streamlined and may result in hidden malfunctions.
What is wrong with the picture? Hint, the C26, U5 and the blue connector does not look good. However it passed AOI and quality inspections of the manufacturer.
One of the major challenges of small series prototypes is the lack of automation in the manufacturing process. Unlike mass production, where automated optical inspection (AOI) systems are used to detect and resolve issues during production, small series prototypes rely on manual inspection. Or simply the machines and processes are not finely tuned for the product. The manufacturer cannot detect malfunctions early on, due to the experimental phase of the production. The risk of human error is increased and the potential for malfunctions to go unnoticed. For example, an integrated circuit may be assembled with the wrong orientation, a connector may have a bad angle, or the polarity of components may be mixed. These issues can have a major impact on the functionality of the product, causing it to fail and potentially leading to costly repairs or even a complete redesign.
The use of assembly services for prototyping does not guarantee 100% functional devices. Further engineering inspection and functional testing are mandatory to ensure that the product meets the desired specifications. Our business supports these activities, and we can also ensure that you get 100% functional prototypes if we design and make intial prototypes of your product. Our services can also lower the lead time by avoiding any later troubleshooting. The earlier a problem is detected, the less time and cost it takes to fix it. For example, if a prototype is ordered and shipped to a client on-site, and a malfunction appears weeks later, the company may not have direct access to the device. This is because the product has already been sold, making it difficult and costly to fix the problem. By using our assembly services and doing further engineering inspection or functional testing, the risk of malfunctions can be reduced.
In conclusion, during the early development of a new product, it is essential to think about possible issues in the project that may arise. Time wise, cost wise, quality wise.
Have you had any manufacture related issues with your first prototype?
Please share your story, we can learn from each story.